Use view from custom module inside Titanium ListViewItem

Khamis, 24 April 2014, 7:16 pm

Most example I found on how to create view inside ListViewItem are using Titanium views itself (those from Ti.UI namespace). This post shows how to use views from other modules. For example, I’m using canvas view module, TiAndroidCanvas (Android) and ti.canvas (iOS)


In order for ListView to use the custom module, listview.js need to be able to access the JS variable pointing to the module, and invoke the create* method to create the view instance. So, instead of using try-and-error method as shown previously, just assign your require()-ed module to global scope

Android example:

global.CanvasModule = require('com.wwl.canvas');

// template
    type: 'CanvasModule.CanvasView'

(therefore, listview.js will invoke CanvasModule.createCanvasView() to create the view instance)

iOS example:

global.CanvasModule = require('ti.canvas');

// template
    type: 'CanvasModule.View'

(therefore, listview.js will invoke CanvasModule.createView() to create the view instance)


Include the module into global variable, then in ListItemTemplate, assign using the view’s class name (in Java source code, the class that inherits TiViewProxy, without -Proxy suffix)

var Canvas = require('com.wwl.canvas');

// in template
    type: 'Canvas.CanvasView',
    properties: {},
    events: {}


No need to include the module, but in ListItemTemplate, assign using the actual view proxy class name in Objective-C code.

// in template
    type: 'TiCanvasView',
    properties: {},
    events: {}

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