Add custom framework to Titanium iOS module

Sabtu, 11 Oktober 2014, 11:23 am

For example, I’m creating a module com.mymod, which include MillennialMedia SDK, that has 2 custom frameworks:

  • MillennialMedia.framework
  • SpeechKit.framework

Copy the frameworks into <module folder>/platform/iphone/custom_frameworks

Open the module in Xcode & include the framework – you can choose to include into any folder, for example the root of project

Edit module.xcconfig. Choose a unique variable name to set the environment variables (e.g MYMOD)

OTHER_LDFLAGS=$(inherited) -F"$(COM_MYMOD_MYMOD_DIR)/custom_frameworks" -framework MillennialMedia -F SpeechKit

Notice that we’re not using the defined env vars. This is because Titanium build script rename the var based on the module id (com.mymod becomes COM_MYMOD). If we’re referring to the var name that we define, it produces distorted value, example, MYMOD_VER become ” 1.0 1.0″


iOS simulator folder

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