Titanium iOS builder script

Khamis, 11 Jun 2015, 10:01 am

Location: TITANIUM_SDK/mobilesdk/osx/3.5.1.GA/iphone/cli/commands/_build.js
(TITANIUM_SDK is commonly at ~/Library/Application Support/Titanium)

1. Cannot change CFBundleVersion

  • CFBundleVersion is the build version number, available to developer and beta testers.
  • CFBundleShortVersionString is the release version number, what the users see on App Store
  • CFBundleVersion is automatically assign to value of <version> in tiapp.xml, but for beta testing purposes, need to change this value everytime we upload new build to iTunes Connect TestFlight
  • To fix this, modify iOS builder script in iOSBuilder.prototype.createInfoPlist() function, around line 2063
plist.CFBundleVersion = String(this.tiapp['build-version'] || this.tiapp.version);

2. If your Titanium SDK location is different from default (custom SDK path), the script doesn’t look up that folder when searching for modules

  • My Titanium SDK is located at ~/Applications/opt/Titanium, when running the ti build -p ios command, it doesn’t lookup for modules there
  • If my project included ti.cloud module, the build script will fail, cannot find the specified module
  • To fix this, in iOSBuilder.prototype.validate() function
// around line 1321, add:
customSDKPaths = config.get('paths.sdks'),

// around line 1331, add:
Array.isArray(customSDKPaths) && customSDKPaths.forEach(addSearchPath);

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