World Cup 2014
Ahad, 11 Mei 2014, 2:05 pm Mei 2014ShareTweetSaveSendCopy
Ahad, 11 Mei 2014, 2:05 pm Mei 2014ShareTweetSaveSendCopy
Ahad, 11 Mei 2014, 1:36 am In PHP I’m using MySQL with Memcached backend for storing session information. Every few minutes I need to regenerate the session ID to prevent replay attack. However when using session_regenerate_id(true), sometimes session data from old ID are not copied to the new regenerated ID. Therefore everytime when the session […]
Ahad, 11 Mei 2014, 12:33 am Database in windows phone app is using LINQ to SQL, a .NET component that provide infrastructure for managing relational data as objects (reference). Creating and manipulating the database require a few steps from defining the data structure to querying the database For this example, we have a database named […]
Sabtu, 10 Mei 2014, 8:20 pm This post is about how to create event based component in C# for Windows Phone. Assuming that we have XAML class that interact with data model component, we’re using event to pass the data around. In model class, create delegate and event property. Delegate is property that define the […]
Jumaat, 9 Mei 2014, 12:08 am This post is about how to load JSON data from web server using HttpWebRequest in C# for Windows Phone application. Let’s say we have URL as follows: Which output JSON data with format: Student - id <int> - name <string> - cgpa <float> First, declare the data contract, […]
Khamis, 8 Mei 2014, 11:49 pm When creating method for a Titanium module in Android, using @Kroll.method annotation, this method will be invoked on KrollRuntimeThread. This is important to know if that method is accessing UI component, such as TextView or WebView, since all UI related components must be handled on main thread. @Kroll.method annotation […]
Rabu, 7 Mei 2014, 10:18 pm When you’re importing Windows Phone view file (XAML + its class file) into a project, it’s shown in Visual Studio as separate files. Compared to when you’re creating a new view file, its class file (code-behind) is grouped behind the XAML file. To ‘merge’ these two files, you need […]
Rabu, 7 Mei 2014, 10:05 pm DataContractJsonSerializer class is declared under System.Runtime.Serialization assembly. Even when the assembly is already added to project reference, it’s still complaining about missing assembly. It’s actually included in System.Servicemodel.Web assembly. Include it to your Windows Phone project reference will solve the error. Mei 2014ShareTweetSaveSendCopy