Dashcam Drive #15 - McDonald's Metrocity → McDonald's MJC Batu Kawa
Rabu, 18 Disember 2019, 6:00 pm
In this episode of Dashcam Drive I’m driving from McD Metrocity to McD MJC Batu Kawa, recorded in November 2019.
Dashcam Drive is my video series where I’ll be driving around places and show the dashcam footage embedded with the GPS navigation video of the travel. Places that I’m focusing on are cities around Sarawak, because I want to show my hometown to the global viewers. Other places might be included in the future, such as Sabah, Brunei or Kalimantan.
See related posts below to watch past videos .
Tanaman cili padi — tuaian dan kawalan serangga
20 Disember 2019
13 Disember 2019