Install Fedora as server

Jumaat, 19 Februari 2010, 1:11 am

This installation exclude desktop environment, therefore it uses only command line interface. (Update: Based on Fedora 14)

During installation of Fedora, for software set, select ‘Minimal’, then choose to ‘Customize Now’. In customization section, for ‘Servers’ category, select only servers that you need: Web Server, PostgreSQL; then for ‘Base System’ category, select ‘Administration Tools’

Post installation configuration:

Set SELinux to ‘permissive’ (/etc/sysconfig/selinux)


Enable / disable certain services:

chkconfig [servicename] on|off

Disable: NetworkManager, firstboot, pcscd, cups (unless you connect this server with a printer), sendmail (unless you want to send e-mail using it)

Enable: httpd, mysqld, network

Note: We use ‘network’ instead of ‘NetworkManager’ to manage internet connection

Edit network interface: (/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0)


Restart the server

init 6

After restart, update the system:

yum install yum-fastestmirror yum-presto -y
yum update -y

X-less Fedora server on VBox


Add new user (‘webmaster’):

adduser webmaster
passwd webmaster

Install vim (CLI text editor):

yum install vim-enhanced

PostgreSQL on Fedora

19 Februari 2010

Install new fonts in Gnome

18 Februari 2010

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