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Titanium app hex color value with alpha channel

Jumaat, 7 November 2014, 6:42 pm0

Color values are represented in hexadecimal value:


  • 0 – red, 0 – green, 0 – blue
  • color = black


  • 255 – red, 255 – green, 255 – blue
  • color = white

‘ff’ in hexadecimal is 255 in decimal, (2 ^ 8) – 1 = 255.

In CSS, to represent color with alpha channel, we can use the rgba() syntax:

rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)

  • 0 – red, 0 – green, 0 – blue
  • black with 60% opacity

In Titanium, rgba() syntax only available on iOS, but hex value also can be used to represent alpha channel, and it supported by both iOS & Android


  • 0 – red, 0 – green, 0 – blue
  • ff – 255 / 100% opacity


  • 255 – red, 204 – green, 0 – blue
  • 90 – 144 / 56% opacity

To easily maintain colors in app, this function is to transform rgba value into Titanium hex color format

function rgbaToHex(r, g, b, a) {
    var toHex = function(n) {
        return ('00' + (n | 0).toString(16)).slice(-2);
    return '#' + toHex(((a * 100) / 100) * 255) + toHex(r) + toHex(g) + toHex (b);


  • (n | 0) is shortcut for parseInt(), to ensure the value passed in is integer. We don’t want the hex color value to have decimal point, e.g: #2.4ccc
  • .toString(16) is Number object function (not Object.toString()) to convert number into hexadecimal format
  • ('00' + value).slice(-2) is to add string padding to the left of the string, so that it will always have 2 characters. We don’t want the value to have one character, #0ccff is invalid value


var view = Ti.UI.createView({
    backgroundColor: rgbaToHex(255, 204, 0, 0.5)

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