Thunderbird calendar + WebDAV

Jumaat, 19 Februari 2010, 3:52 pm


Users synchronize their calendar in Thunderbird with calendar server (WebDAV) on Fedora

Install Thunderbird & calendar plugin:

yum install thunderbird thunderbird-lightning

Install apache + mod dav:

yum install httpd mod_dav_svn

Calendars will be stored in /home/webmaster/calendar. Make sure to chmod 755 /home/webmaster

Setting up apache:


<IfModule mod_dav.c>
  Alias /calendar /home/webmaster/calendar
  <Directory /home/webmaster/calendar>
    DAV On
    Options +Indexes
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "Calendar Authentication"
    AuthUserFile /home/webmaster/calendar.htpasswd
    <LimitExcept GET OPTIONS>
      require valid-user
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
<Directory /home/webmaster/calendar>
  AuthUserFile /home/webmaster/calendar.htpasswd
  AuthName "Calendar Authentication"
  AuthType basic
  require valid-user

Create user & password:

htpasswd -cb /home/webmaster/calendar.htpasswd username password

Create calendar directory & set permission:

mkdir /home/webmaster/calendar
chown -R apache /home/webmaster/calendar

Test the new configuration:

touch calendar.ics
cadaver http://localhost/calendar
put calendar.ics

Refer /var/log/httpd/error_log if there’s any error. Always check folder permission.

Create new calendar for Thunderbird (calendar name: Personal):

touch Personal.ics
cadaver http://localhost/calendar
put Personal.ics

Launch Thunderbird

  1. Events & Tasks > Calendar (or Ctrl+Shift+C)
  2. File > New > Calendar
  3. ‘On the network’
  4. ‘iCalendar (ICS)’, location: http://localhost/calendar/Personal.ics
  5. Enter username & password (in /home/webmaster/calendar.htpasswd)

Create new event for the new calendar

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