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Mei 2018

Chilli 2nd batch

26 April 2018, 8:35 am

Khamis, 26 April 2018, 8:35 am0 6 weeks old seedlings. For this second batch of chilli planting, I sowed 3 types of chilli, which are cili besar (big type), cili geronong (type of habanero) and cili padi (bird eye chilli). Previous chilli trees which I brought together when we moved in last time were already […]

Lowland Strawberry

19 April 2018, 11:34 pm

Khamis, 19 April 2018, 11:34 pm0 We got this strawberry plant from my mother, and at that time it already have a few stalks or runners which can be used to propagate the plant. My wife is the one that take care of them, together with other potted plants. Bought a few pots to grow […]

Aquaponics book & build materials

14 April 2018, 2:00 am

Sabtu, 14 April 2018, 2:00 am0 2 weeks ago I ordered a free copy of The Aquaponics God Manual book, where I only need to pay for shipping cost, and yesterday I received not only one, but three (!) copies of the book. You may order yours here. The Aquaponics God Manual book Since the progress […]

Chicken brooder and grazing box

4 April 2018, 7:42 pm

Rabu, 4 April 2018, 7:42 pm0 There’s a new batch of chicks hatched last 2 weeks, and I’m going to build a chicken brooder for them. It’s basically a smaller coop which used to grow chicks until they reach around 2 months old before being released into the bigger coop and get mixed with existing […]