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Ogos 2018

New fruit plants

31 Julai 2018, 12:00 pm

Selasa, 31 Julai 2018, 12:00 pm0 Kuini plants (Mangifera odorata), so far only got two seed germinating after being sowed nearly a month. Lychee plants, we bought the fruit from the supermarket (imported from Thailand) and sow the seeds, after 2 weeks now we have around 10+ lychee plants growing. These are abiu plants (Pouteria […]

Ayam kampung update July 2018

20 Julai 2018, 3:00 pm

Jumaat, 20 Julai 2018, 3:00 pm0 Started with the first batch of 20+ chicks 5 months ago, here’s the latest update: The very first batch, there are 4 roosters (one alpha male) and 6 hens, but not yet laying eggs. Now they are being left outside to range freely around the house compound. These are […]

Install water pump and test run

13 Julai 2018, 3:00 pm

Jumaat, 13 Julai 2018, 3:00 pm0 It’s time to install the water pump, do the wiring, fill water into the tanks and do a test run to check for the aquaponics system operation. Using tap water, filling this 1000 liters tank took around 1 hour plus This 2000L/hour submersible water pump is connected using PVC […]

Plumbing the aquaponics units together

6 Julai 2018, 3:00 pm

Jumaat, 6 Julai 2018, 3:00 pm0 Revised plan. I changed the arrangement of the tanks, and solid filter drain outlet now connected directly to the sump tank, to reuse the water while filtering out the solid waste. Overview of the arrangement of fish tank, then to solid filter, and then bio filter, and lastly to […]