Self-hosted Penpot blank page, empty response, connection reset
Khamis, 19 Disember 2024, 4:50 pm
“Makcik, ping-pang-pen-pot” (Masam² Manis, 1965).
Khamis, 19 Disember 2024, 4:50 pm
“Makcik, ping-pang-pen-pot” (Masam² Manis, 1965).
10 years after MySQL released the native support for JSON data type, only get to use it now 😭.
Two new things I learned this month:
Lepas pindah #hosting ke #AWS sambil memanfaatkan free tier selama 3 bulan, saya dapati beberapa perbezaan antara Lightsail dengan hosting VPS lain.
Ada rancangan untuk upgrade ke VPS atau ke #AWS, tapi Lightsail belum ada region kat Malaysia.
Preloading script on every page load allows you to do things like intercepting fetch()
requests ⁽¹⁾.
I often forgot how to use output of a function that uses Promise, so here’s the easiest way to use it & remember.
My Mac mini still run on #macOS 10.15 (Catalina), as a comparison, latest macOS is version 14 (Sonoma).
During development of NodeJS web app, we need to stop the current process of the app & re-run it again to see the changes we made to the source code.
In PHP world, webserver with autoindex module (e.g Apache mod_autoindex, Litespeed Auto Index, nginx ngx_http_autoindex_module) already provide a way to display file listing in a public directory - we don't even need PHP to have this feature.